Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA) qualification FAQs
Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA) qualification
Following the decision to close the CAA qualification to new candidates as of October 2021, arrangements have been put into place to ensure existing CAA candidates continue to receive the support they need to successfully complete their qualification journey.
Why has the CAA qualification closed to new entrants?
As the actuarial employment landscape changes, the shareholders of CAA Global, the IFoA and the SOA are looking to evolve their qualification offerings to support early career students to progress along the actuarial qualification pathway.
Are you still accepting applications for CAA module exemptions?
We are no longer accepting applications for CAA module exemptions.
I would like to complete my CAA qualification, how will the arrangements impact on my qualification journey?
We want to make sure our existing candidates receive all the necessary support and resources they need to continue their CAA qualification journey. We will continue to provide our existing candidates with CAA’s full range of exam support and resources while you complete your qualification.
You will have two exam sittings - May 2023 and October 2023 - to complete your Module 1-5 exams.
I have not completed all my CAA module exams, will my progress towards the CAA qualification be recognised?
Yes. We want to make sure that candidates who were not able to complete their CAA qualification in this period, have the hard work, skills and experience gained on their CAA qualification journey recognised.
To help you evidence the skills and experience you gained on your CAA qualification journey, we will provide you with a transcript of all the CAA module exams you completed for your records.
Will I have to complete Modules 1-5?
Yes. If you were able to pass Module 1-5 exams in our May and October 2023 exam sessions, you will be able to continue on your CAA qualification journey.
Will I still need to pass OPAT before I can qualify as a CAA?
Yes. You will still need to pass the Online Professionalism Awareness Test (OPAT) before you qualify as a CAA. The final deadline for completing OPAT and submitting your learning log final sign off form is 31 August 2024 Your will need to complete your OPAT before submitting your learning log.
Will I still need to complete a learning log to qualify as a CAA?
Yes. You will need to complete a learning log and submit your final sign off form before you can qualify as a CAA. If you have passed module 1-5 exams and the OPAT, the final deadline for submitting your learning log final sign off form is 31 March 2025.
How do I qualify as a CAA?
Once you have met all of the CAA qualification requirements (passing Modlues 1-5, completing OPAT and submitting your learning log), we will contact you asking you to complete and return a recognition form. Once you have submitted the form you will be eligible to join Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) or the SOA Center (a subsidiary of the Society of Actuaries), completing our qualification process.
Do I need to join the IFoA or SOA Centre to qualify?
Yes. Once you’re a member of either the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) or the SOA Center (a subsidiary of the Society of Actuaries), you will be recognised as a qualified CAA. By opting to join either the IFoA or SOA Center you will be formally recognised as a member of a well-respected, globally recognised actuarial association. You will have six months from receiving confirmation from CAA Global that you have met all qualification requirements to apply for membership of either the IFoA or the SoA Center.
Through the IFoA or the SOA Center, you will continue to have access to networking, events, resources, and continuing educational opportunities.
After you qualify
Will I be able to use the CAA designation once I qualify?
Yes. Once you qualify as a CAA you will be entitled to use the CAA designation after your name.
Using the CAA designation will ensure your financial business, analytical, modelling and communication skills are formally recognised by a range of employers.
Help and support
If you have any questions about registering for the CAA qualification, completing your qualification, or what happens after you qualify please contact CAA Global enquiries, who will be happy to help.