Congratulations! You’re ready to become a Certified Actuarial Analyst
Now that you’ve completed your Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA) modules professional and work-based skills requirements, you are eligible to be recognised as a Certified Actuarial Analyst.
When you have completed and sent us your recognition form, you can opt to join the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, based in the United Kingdom, or the SOA Center, a subsidiary of the Society of Actuaries, based in the United States.
Once you’re a member of either the IFoA or SOA Centre, you will be recognised as a qualified CAA.
Through the IFoA or the SOA Center, you will have access to networking, events, resources, continuing educational opportunities and more. Although you’ve completed your exams, your professional development is only beginning. Learn more about these two organisations and what they can offer you including:
- Support of your continuing professional development
- Ethical standards and reputational excellence
- Further career opportunities with well-known employers
- Registration discount at conferences, seminars and webinars
- Speaker opportunities at events
- Credibility by being a member of a professional body
- Library and research resources
- Immediate access to a global network
- Volunteering opportunities
CAA Mark Usage
Once you join an Accredited Association you will be entitled to use the CAA designation after your name which will open many professional doors.
In using the CAA trademarks owned by CAA Global, you must adhere to the Regulations and Guidelines below.